15 August 2023
Disposal of Unserviceable Property and Equipment
The Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines in Abuja, Nigeria, invites all qualified bidders to participate in the Embassy’s disposal of unserviceable property and equipment. All said items are to be sold on “as-is, where-is” basis and shall not be eligible for refund. Attached is the list of these items, with relevant details (ANNEX “A”).
All interested bidders may coordinate with Mr. Sherwin Avelino, Property Officer of the Embassy, through cellular no. +234 813 346 3259, for item inspection and other related inquiries.
All interested bidders are required to accomplish the bid form (ANNEX “B”) and to comply with all the necessary requirements. The accomplished forms and other requirements shall be submitted to the Embassy at No.34B Rhine Street, Maitama, Abuja, in a sealed envelope on or before 25th August 2023.
Opening of Bids will be on 25th August 2023 at exactly 13:30H.
Invitation to Bid - 15 August 2023
ANNEX A - List of Unserviceable Items (with photographs)
ANNEX B - Offer to Bid Form